2020 | Week of March 30 | Radio Transcript #1353
It’s not like we need more controversy and confusion right now, but we definitely have it as it relates to our spring nonpartisan general election that is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 7. So let’s cut to the chase here. First, there will be an election and as far as we know right now there will be in-person voting at the polling places on Tuesday, April 7. But that’s what we know now. It could change.
In light of the instability of all things related to this election, we believe the only sure way for voters to have their vote counted is to vote by absentee ballot. By the time you hear this commentary, there will still be time to do that, but you can’t delay.
The best and easiest way to get an absentee ballot by mail is to go to myvote.wi.gov, that’s myvote.wi.gov, and click on “Vote Absentee.” Fill out the information requested, following the prompts for next steps. Be prepared to have your photo id ready to upload as well. You need to do this no later than this Thursday, April 2. However, I urge you to do it right away, without delay.
Once you get the absentee ballot that your clerk will mail to you, immediately fill it out and mail it back or deliver it to the clerk in person in the provided envelope. I highly recommend calling before you try to deliver your completed absentee ballot in person to make sure someone will be in the office to receive it. The deadline for returning completed absentee ballots is the close of the polls on Election Day, which will be 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7.
I do realize some people are concerned that urging people to vote by absentee ballot contributes to fraud. Like the rest of us, I don’t want election fraud—but I do not believe urging people to vote by absentee ballot increases the likelihood of fraud. I worked the polls for several years and was a poll captain more than once. Recently I called a couple of clerks’ offices to verify how they handle absentee ballots that have issues and how those issues are to be documented. These clerks confirmed my personal experience and understanding. Are there dishonest clerks and dishonest poll workers? I’m sure there are. But I do believe they are not the majority.
Some have asked why we are not pushing people to do early in-person voting. It’s because some clerks have chosen to disobey the orders from the Elections Commission and have shut down early in-person voting already and also because if someone decides to wait until say this Friday to do early in-person voting, a day after absentee ballots can be requested, and somehow the governor or the state legislature figure out a way to make this election a “mail-ballot” only election, now what? Unless the deadlines for getting and returning an absentee ballot are also extended, that person won’t be able to vote. The situation is too risk-filled for my liking. Getting an absente ballot now is the safest way to be sure your vote counts—and that’s the best way I know to push back against election fraud.
In addition to getting your own absentee ballot, will you also contact as many people as possible in your circle of friends, family members, fellow church goers and others and urge them to join you in this absentee ballot push? This is an absolutely critical need at this point. We must see the multiplied power of one go into effect in this election.
The only statewide race on the ballot is for a ten-year term on our state’s Supreme Court. Incumbent Justice Dan Kelly is squaring off against Dane County Circuit Court Judge Jill Karofsky. To find out more about these candidates check out our Voter Information Publication at wifamilycouncil.org. On this publication you’ll see information that will help you decide who best reflects your values. For instance, in addition to the candidates’ judicial philosophy and legal background, the publication also lists key endorsements for both candidates. Jill Karofsky has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Human Rights Campaign, which is a national promoter of the LGBTQ agenda, the AFL-CIO, and former Governor Jim Doyle. Dan Kelly has been endorsed by Wisconsin Right to Life, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Wisconsin Family Action, the NRA, and current Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn. We urge you to know before you vote!
The other statewide issue on every ballot will be a referendum on rights of victims of crimes. Our website wifamilycouncil.org also has information on that item.
Every election is important. Every vote in every election is important. And every election has consequences. Make sure your vote counts in this election, regardless of what officials may decided to do with the timing or the type of voting involved. Get an absentee ballot and help ensure the consequences of this election are good.
For Wisconsin Family Council, this is Julaine Appling, reminding you the prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.