Help your Church Get from the Pews to the Polls!
Church Liaisons fill a crucial role in preserving America and defending God’s plan for marriage, family, life and religious liberty in Wisconsin by encouraging and equipping Christians to honor God with their vote.
You can help your congregation steward their freedom and government through voting by becoming a church liaison.
Should I become a church liaison?
If you are passionate about seeing Christians champion godly principles by voting becoming a Church Liaison is a simple straightforward way to make that happen.
Wisconsin Family Council will support you with resources, action steps and live calls as needed to effectively encourage your church members to take seriously their privilege to vote, get to the polls and steward their God-given rights.
Wisconsin Family Council will support you with resources, action steps and live calls as needed to effectively encourage your church members to take seriously their privilege to vote, get to the polls and steward their God-given rights.
What do church liaisons do?
Church Liaisons help pastors, churches and individual church members honor God in an election cycle by doing any or all of the following:
Conducting voter registration awareness drives
Recruiting volunteers to drive people to the polls and be a witness for those voting by mail
Assisting church members on their plan to vote (absentee by mail, early voting in person, In-person day of election)
Personally voting the day of election
Distributing commit to vote cards and any printed voter information publication to church members
Bringing their small group/Sunday school class to vote with them
What about outside of election cycle?
Stewarding our government also includes praying for elected leaders, being aware of issues that may impact godly values and speaking up for Godly values when needed. Outside of an election cycle Church Liaisons provide support by:
- Updating pastors and individual members on issues that may impact godly values
- Praying for and leading prayer for elected officials
- Alleviating work-load of pastor by being the church’s point person for church connection and other WFC resources
- Helping interested church members know how to engage in their local government and defend godly values