Lunch with a Purpose

Lunch with a Purpose

Past Lunch with a Purpose:

WFC Lunch With A Purpose with Dr. Albert Mohler

Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network hosted  a webinar with author and speaker Dr. Albert Mohler.

We live in a culture where worldviews clash on a daily basis. This clash is seen very clearly in the political realm. Given the divisive nature of our politics and the frustration many of us sense when it comes to elections, we wanted to hear from a respected evangelical voice on the issue of Christians and Politics.

You can watch the webinar here.

WFC Lunch With A Purpose Webinar with author Daniel Weiss

Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network hosted a webinar with author and speaker Daniel Weiss. We are surrounded by a pornographic culture, and Daniel will help us understand the reality and what we need to do to protect our families and, if need be, to rescue our children, from the debilitating impact of porn. We dare not ignore this issue or pretend it does not exist.

You can watch recorded Webinar HERE.

The Center for Biblical Worldview Director at FRC David Closson and WFC President Julaine Appling

As many of you are aware on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2022, our office was firebombed. After the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision was leaked our organization was the first of many across the country to be violently attacked.

On Monday, May 8, 2023, Wisconsin Family Council  hosted an online webinar with David Closson and Julaine Appling to discuss the firebombing, and the status of the pro-life movement since Dobbs brought abortion back to the State’s.

You can watch the recorded webinar HERE.

Katy Faust:

WFC host webinar with author, mom and pastor’s wife Katy Faust. You won’t want to miss it! For far too long the culture has prioritized adult desires over the needs of children. Listen as Katy explains how this continues to manifest itself and what we as believers should do to be light and salt in a culture that rejects God’s plan for the family.

Watch online HERE.

Dr. Wayne Grudem:

On Wednesday, October 26, Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network  hosted a webinar author professor Dr. Wayne Grudem. Dr. Grudem is widely known and respected in evangelical circles. He currently serves as Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary in Phoenix, Arizona. He received his B.A. from Harvard University, an M.Div. and a D.D. from Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, and a Ph.D. (in New Testament) from the University of Cambridge, England. He has published over 30 books, including the 624 page Politics According to the Bible.

Should pastors and churches engage politically? What is a truly biblical position on this and related questions? Prepare to be informed and inspired by one of America’s leading evangelical theologians on this oft-times controversial topic.

Watch online HERE.


Andrew Walker:

On Wednesday, June 22, Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network is held another "Lunch with a Purpose" webinar online. This event featured guest presenter Dr. Andrew T. Walker. A recording of the webinar is available below.

The Lord exhorts us: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear…” (I Pet. 3:15).

Dr. Walker responded to pertinent questions about transgenderism,  to equip you and your church family to respond to this issue that is sweeping across our country and impacting our children and youth.

Watch video here.


Carl Kerby:

Wisconsin Family Council hosted Carl Kerby on April 27, 2022. You can hear Wisconsin Family Council's Lunch with a Purpose with Carl Kerby, co-founder of Reasons for Hope and DeBunked below. He discusses what it will take to turn the hearts of the next generation back to Jesus!

Watch Video here.


Ken Ham:

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, Wisconsin Family Council hosted a “Lunch with a Purpose” webinar with Ken Ham of Answers in GenesisThe Ark Encounter and The Creation Museum. Dr. Ham discussed his new book, Divided Nation: Cultures in Conflict and a Conflicted ChurchHe challenged families and churches to begin intentionally teaching young people the foundational truths in the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which give the basis for a biblical worldview on the major issues of today, including the sanctity of life, marriage, and gender.

Julaine Appling further commented, “Dr. Ham clearly emphasized the family, God’s foundational institution for all of humankind. Families led by married men and women have incredible opportunities to build into the next generation biblical principles that will enable them to navigate successfully whatever the culture throws at them.”

Watch Video here.

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