Mothers and Prayer

Mothers and Prayer

Yesterday was National Day of Prayer and this Sunday is Mothers’ Day. These observances actually make sense together.  National Day of Prayer is a day the nation collectively intercedes for our country and part of that emphasis should be to pray for our foundational institution—our families. Moms are such an important part of God’s design for families. Really, positively changing our communities, state, and nation starts with moms because moms have such a profound impact on the present and the future as they invest in their children—especially praying moms.

Moms, we are so grateful for you. Thank you for the selfless love you have for your children and for your faithful prayers for your loved ones. No one prays for children like their mother—and we know God hears and answers those prayers from your heart. May God richly bless you all as you continue to shape the state and nation by rearing a godly family.


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