A Quick Review of Wisconsin’s Human Growth and Development or Sex Ed Law

A Quick Review of Wisconsin’s Human Growth and Development or Sex Ed Law

Voluntary H G & D programs must comply with laws

With school starting in just a few weeks, a quick review of Wisconsin’s Human Growth and Development or H G and D, or sex ed, law is in order. First, having an H G and D program is totally voluntary in Wisconsin. However, if a school district has an H G and D program, then the law has subjects or topics that must be included and those that are recommended. Importantly, if a district has an H G and D program, then it must have an advisory committee comprised of certain individuals from the community represented in certain percentages.

Wauwatosa school district says it’s revamping its H G and D program and introducing as early as K4 gender identity. My first question is does the advisory committee comply with the law? A good committee can be a real safeguard against an inappropriate and dangerous H G and D program. Check with your district to see if the H G and D committee is lawful.



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