2016 | Week of January 25 | #1134
Last week the Independent Women’s Forum posted a blog with this headline: “Alberta, Canada’s Progressive New Government Bans the Words ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ in Schools.”[1] Trust me, what’s in Canada won’t stay in Canada.
Apparently the New Democratic party government, elected to power in this province last May, is flexing its muscles over the schools under its jurisdiction, telling them their faculty and staff are to refer to the adults with whom students are living as “parent,” “caregiver,” “partner,” and so forth—while banning the far more accurate terms of “mother” and “father.”
These directives extend to how faculty and staff address the students. “Him” and “her” are out, according to the recently published “Guidelines for Best Practices.”[2] Rather, school officials should use “ze,” “zir,” “they” or “them,” or use “Mx” rather than Mr, Mrs Ms or Miss.”
The guidelines also make this startling statement: “Self-identification is the sole measure of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” That is a flat-out lie. How one thinks about himself or herself is not the “sole measure” of anything, and surely not as it relates to sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Let’s hear the final authority from mankind’s Creator: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” One’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is established by God at the moment of conception. Sexual orientation is heterosexual because God has clearly prohibited sexual intimacy in any other way. Gender identity or gender expression is either male or female. Period. That’s built into a person’s DNA. Rarely, very rarely, one’s physical characteristics don’t match up with the chromosome structures of XX for females and XY for males—and rarely, very rarely, a person is born with sex chromosomes abnormalities.
Ninety-nine percent of people are born with XX or XY chromosomes, making them biologically male or female. To teach students otherwise is to lie to them. To encourage students to have a mental image or “self-identification” that doesn’t match their biology and physiology is wrong. It’s dangerous; it’s damaging. What makes public schools think they can do this—in Alberta, Canada or anywhere else?
Of course the best practice guidelines don’t stop there. They assert that students “with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions have a right to accommodation when it comes to the use of washroom and change room facilities” during school hours and in school-related activities both on and off school property. And a student “who objects to sharing a washroom or change room with a student who is trans or gender-diverse” that’s the student who is supposed to use an alternative facility.
You can’t make this stuff up. And it is as real as today in Wisconsin. Rep. Jesse Kremer has introduced a bill to stop some of this in Wisconsin public schools, but AB 469, the common-sense Student Privacy Protection Bill is stalled in committee and will likely die there as the session winds down over the next six weeks, assuring that eventually—and maybe not too far off—biologic boys will be showering with biologic girls and vice versa at junior-high schools and high-schools in Wisconsin.
If you’re a parent or a grandparent or someone concerned about the next generation, I urge you to right now explore other options for the education of the children you love. This week Wisconsin is participating in National School Choice Week. We’re blessed in our state to have multiple options and not be locked into just the public schools, including private school voucher programs, regular private schools and homeschooling.
Students don’t go to school to be told they can be any gender or sexual orientation they want to be—that whatever they feel is reality. How foolish. How dangerous. How wrong. We are rapidly reaching the point where parents are going to have to make some really tough decisions about their children’s education. I urge you to do this before their God-given innocence is compromised and before their minds are utterly confused as to whether they are male or female.
This is Julaine Appling for Wisconsin Family Council reminding you the Prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
[2] https://education.alberta.ca/media/1626737/91383-attachment-1-guidelines-final.pdf