General Resources for Life
- 40 Days for Life – “40 Days for Life” is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion.”
- Do No Harm, Understand Your Legal Right to (ADF), for health care professionals. Conscience protections for people of faith.
- Guarding the Sanctity of Life (Alliance Defending Freedom) – “Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines leading efforts to expose Planned Parenthood – America’s largest abortion provider – which is more concerned with its bottom line than the health of women.”
- Heartlink – “We’re here to come alongside families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. We support families as they seek to teach their children about God and His beautiful design for the family, protect themselves from the harmful influences of culture and equip themselves to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them.”
- Life (Family Research Council) – “As God is the Author of life, Family Research Council recognizes and respects the inherent dignity of every human life from conception (whether by natural or artificial means) until death.”
- Life Chain – “A small pro-life ministry based 45 miles north of Sacramento, CA. God entrusted LIFE CHAIN to us in 1987, when we built America’s first Chain through our small sister towns, Yuba City and Marysville. We call LIFE CHAIN “a serious first step to pro-life activism.” It’s a serious step in that it requires us to stand publicly for one hour, while holding a pro-life sign and praying through the prayer topics on the back of our sign. That brief experience has led thousands of Christians across North America to join local pro-life groups and work as volunteers throughout the year.”
- Personhood Wisconsin – “Personhood Wisconsin seeks to extend the God-given right to life found in the Wisconsin Constitution to all preborn children from the moment of conception. It seeks to bring into the Wisconsin Constitution a true definition of human life as endorsed by Wisconsin citizens speaking through the amendment process, thus making the highest law in our state cover every person, at any stage of development.”
- Pro-Life Wisconsin – “In 1992, almost 20 years after Roe v. Wade, a new statewide legislative and educational pro-life organization was formed in Wisconsin. The vision for this new organization was shared by dedicated and experienced pro-lifers who realized that the pro-life movement needed to refocus on principle to achieve total protection for all preborn children.”
- Wisconsin Pregnancy Resource Centers – “PRCs are the heart of the ProLife community; they help needy mothers and offer alternatives to abortion. We support their work, and encourage you to do so as well. Please contact these organizations directly to find out how you can volunteer or financially support their efforts.
- Wisconsin’s Woman’s Right to Know Publication – Women thinking about abortion have the right to have all their questions answered. This is why Wisconsin law requires that they have the information they need to make good decisions about their pregnancy.
- Wisconsin Right to Life – Mission: “To make euthanasia, infanticide, abortion and destruction of human embryos socially, ethically and legally unacceptable solutions to human problems and to promote positive alternatives to each of these.”
Resources on Assisted Suicide
- Patients Rights Action Fund – The mission of the Patients’ Rights Action Fund (PRAF) is to provide financial and strategic support throughout the U.S. to protect the rights of patients and people with disabilities by opposing doctor prescribed suicide legislation. Check out the resources under the “Tools” tab.
- Worth Fighting For – Family Policy Alliance’s campaign and resources to help people be educated and equipped to push back against assisted suicide.
Disclaimer: links to sites not controlled by Wisconsin Family Council do not necessarily imply our endorsement or recommendation of the organization.
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