Wisconsin’s fall partisan primary election is less than a month away on Tuesday, August ninth. Absentee ballots have been mailed to those voters who are designated as indefinitely confined. Early in-person voting will begin Monday, July twenty-fifth. Sample ballots are now available at myvote.wi.gov. Races with primaries include Republican governor, both Republican and Democrat lieutenant governor, Republican attorney general, Democrat US Senator, and other statewide races, as well as a number of assembly and senate seats.
As always, we urge citizens to visit myvote.wi.gov to get general election related information and then to check out the candidates in order to cast and knowledgeable and responsible votes. The primary sets the ballot for the November general election on Tuesday, November 8. Every election matters, and every vote in every election matters.
Our mission is to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty.
© 2021 Wisconsin Family Council