WI Bi-Partisan AI Task Force

WI Bi-Partisan AI Task Force

The task force will gather insight on AI's impact.

Recognizing that Artificial Intelligence is already an issue, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has appointed a bi-partisan AI task force, naming Representative Nate Gustafson who has expertise in cybersecurity and information systems, as chair. The task force will convene a series of public hearings, expert panels, and collaborative sessions to gather insights from a diverse range of stakeholders and will do an in-depth exploration of AI’s role in elections, business, government, and various other aspects of daily life.

We had an entire session on AI during our LEAD Wisconsin teen camp last month. What became apparent in that session was the AI train has already left the station and is picking up steam. That said, we think this task force is a good idea and, if done well, could result in some state laws that appropriately restrict this train before it becomes a run-away.

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