When Protesting Hurts More Than It Helps

When Protesting Hurts More Than It Helps

Protesting at pride event gains more attention

Last Saturday saw “Pride in the Park” at Watertown’s Riverside Park. Billed as “family-friendly,” the events included a drag queen show and a drag queen story hour for children. A group of Neo-nazi men showed up as did others protesting the event. Apparently, a young man reading the Bible aloud via a megaphone was arrested not for reading the Bible in a public place but because city ordinances ban using amplification at the park without a permit, especially if the amplification interferes with a previously permitted event, which was the case Saturday.

This already-bad event was made worse by the Neo-Nazis showing up and others also not from Watertown illegally protesting.  As a result of all this, the organizers of this drag queen debauchery received far more sympathy and attention than they should have. There’s a way to protest what we disagree with, and a way not to. Doing it wrong hurts way more than it helps.

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