New Voter Information Publication

New Voter Information Publication

WFC has released a Voter Information Publication

The fall midterm election is just a month away. Absentee ballots are being mailed to voters who have requested them, and early in-person voting begins October 25th. Christians should be knowledgeable and responsible voters. To help ensure that is reality, Wisconsin Family Council has released an educational Voter Information Publication covering the US Senate race, the governor’s race, and the attorney general race. Visit for a digital copy. For print copies, call 888-368-7395.

We know election cycles can be stressful as voters seek to cut through the rhetoric. Our Voter Information Publication is designed to give voters statements directly from the candidates on a variety of high-profile issues. To work as it should, our Republic demands an educated, participating citizenry. That’s the goal of our Voter information publication.


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