Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty recently released its annual Apples to Apples report, which puts schools on a level playing field to assess education across all types of Wisconsin schools. Among other findings, the new report shows that students in the Milwaukee voucher Program continue to outperform their public-school peers in English/Language Arts and math. Statewide, voucher students outperform their public-school peers in English/Language Arts. For the first time, voucher+ students’ proficiency in math was lower than their public school peers.
The full report is available at will-law.org. It’s worth looking at to get an honest assessment of how students in public, charter and private voucher schools are doing in comparison to their peers. The report does show that, in general, our voucher program is a win for both students and taxpayers.
Our mission is to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty.
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