Wisconsin Family Council’s sister group in Virginia was recently the victim of woke discrimination. Victoria Cobb, president of The Family Foundation, had arranged for a donor dinner in a popular Richmond, Virginia, restaurant, reserving a private room for the evening. Ninety minutes before the event, one of the owners of the restaurant called and cancelled saying the group’s pro-life, pro-marriage beliefs and activity made their staff uncomfortable and they would not serve The Foundation’s event.
So Christian artists such as cake bakers, florists, and web designers can be forced to use their creative talent to endorse same-sex marriage against their religious beliefs, but a restaurant can refuse to serve a group who supports life and one-man one-woman marriage. Cobb rightly says this blatant discrimination won’t silence them any more than the firebombing of our office silenced us.
Our mission is to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty.
© 2021 Wisconsin Family Council