Biden’s SCOTUS “Reform” Plan

Biden’s SCOTUS “Reform” Plan

A majority of people disapprove of the plan.

Most Americans oppose President Biden’s radical court “reform” plan, according to a recent Mason-Dixon poll commissioned by First Liberty. The results show that a majority reject proposals to change the U.S. Supreme Court, which include court packing, court purging by ending lifetime tenure and Congress overseeing the Court via a “code of ethics.” Overall, fifty-two percent oppose amending the U.S. Constitution to alter the Supreme Court’s structure.

The US Constitution laid out clearly what the US Supreme Court would look like. The executive branch has no business trying to use its influence to change how the court looks or works, and the legislative branch has no legitimate right to establish the court’s so-called “code of ethics.” Americans see the danger in these proposals that at a minimum breach the separation of powers.

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