A Dr. Speaks Out on Gender Affirming Treatments

A Dr. Speaks Out on Gender Affirming Treatments

Dr. Egnor calls them "a medical atrocity."

Lifesite news reports that Dr. Michael Egnor, a pro-life professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics at Stony Brook University medical school, spoke out recently against the ongoing trend of addressing gender confusion with hormonal and surgical interventions. He calls the practices “a medical atrocity” and malpractice. “The reality is that ‘trans men’ are women and ‘trans women’ are men, and we should help them try to deal with that,” said Dr. Egnor, adding that the “proper treatment” for those suffering from gender dysphoria “is not mutilation or castration.” 

We need more of these honest, brave doctors who understand that those dealing with gender confusion need help, but the right help isn’t hormones and surgery, which just compound the problem. Many medical professionals call these “gender affirming” treatments to make them seem acceptable. What desperately needs affirming is God’s good design for each person as male or female.

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