WFC E-Connection September 16, 2021

WFC E-Connection September 16, 2021

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Call our office at 866-849-2536 to schedule a speaker from WFA or WFC for your next event! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

*photo courtesy of See You at the Pole

Appleton, Wisconsin

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Machine Shed 

220 North Fox River Drive,
Appleton, Outagamie County, WI 54913
Register HERE!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Learn more or register HERE.

Plover, Wisconsin
Thursday, October 7, 2021

Register HERE!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Learn more and register HERE!

Small Group Facilitator Training
with Del Tackett (The Truth Project)
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Learn more and register HERE!

July 10-15, 2022

Hey teens! Reserve your spot HERE!
If you’re 19+ and want to invest in the next generation, contact us HERE!

Equipping teens to become effective godly leaders who engage the culture
from a Biblical perspective.

NEW! 2020-2021 Legislative Directory

CLICK HERE to download
your FREE copy today!

Responding to the Transgender Issue:
Parent Resource Guide

Are you struggling to find the right words to help your child navigate transgender issues?
If so, “The Parent Resource Guide” was written with you in mind!
It is a carefully researched resource providing parents with practical ways to address the transgender issue with their children.
Grab your free copy HERE.
Call our WFC office at 888-378-7395 to obtain a print copy for a suggested donation of $5.

It is the mission of Wisconsin Family Action to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and
promoting marriage, family, life and religious freedom. Our vision is a Wisconsin where God is honored, families thrive, human life is cherished
and religious freedom flourishes.

CLICK here to invest in your family, faith, freedom and future!


Because of our desire to serve and help families, our ministry is making resources available that can be useful in creating a wise giving plan.
Click HERE for more information on how you can significantly impact the Kingdom while strengthening and building families.

How YOU can Change the Course of Our Nation
Abortion Survivors Exist
What a Pay-raise, Equity Training and CRT Have in Common
REPLAY: Ken Ham’s Challenge for Families in Tuesday’s Webinar

How YOU can Change the Course of Our Nation


“A nation that forgets its past has no future,” once said the esteemed British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. Others have noted that the one thing we fail to learn from history is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

But we wonder, is the National Archives trying to aid us in forgetfulness with their latest statement?

Tomorrow, Friday, September 17, is Constitution Day. It’s a day set aside to remember the brave men and their families who risked their lives to establish a country of religious freedom and then gathered in the summer of 1787 to improve the weak Articles of Confederation. Rather than try to improve the Articles of Confederation, they came up with a brand new governing document — our US Constitution, signed by those attending the convention on September 17, 1787.

Ironically, earlier this week news broke that the National Archives, the agency responsible for the preservation of the Constitution and other original national documents, has a “harmful language alert” on its research catalog. The warning, among other things, says, “Some items may reflect racist, sexist,…misogynistic, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes….and may be discriminatory towards or exclude diverse views on sexuality, gender, religion, and more.”

Julaine Appling, president of Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council, responded to this news by reminding her radio listeners that while this warning label is disturbing, it doesn’t change what the Constitution really says and what it has given us — a Republic, a grand form of representative, participatory government.

She went on to urge parents to take seriously that the future of our nation is up to them: “We can change what seems to be the course of history. And the best place to start doing that is with the family. As families take seriously their responsibility to pass on the heritage of this great nation to those coming after them, we can become a nation that knows its past, remembers its past, learns from its past, and doesn’t repeat the negatives of its past.”

Learn more HERE. Listen to the full podcast episode HERE or read the transcript HERE.

Abortion Survivors Exist

Last month shared a picture and an article featuring seventeen women who have survived abortion. Melissa Ohden, an abortion survivor herself, has founded Abortion Survivors Network, offering people a safe place to share their stories. Ohden says the pro-abortion activists have worked hard to deny the survivors their own stories and to silence for the general population the reality that babies can and do survive abortions. Abortion Survivors Networks offers retreats, support groups and more to these survivors.

Julaine Appling explained, “For these individuals to survive an abortion, someone had to have given them lifesaving care immediately. This reality is why pro-life legislators in Wisconsin are trying again to pass a born-alive protection bill that would require medical professionals to give lifesaving measures to a baby who survives an abortion. The bill passed last session, but Governor Evers promptly vetoed it.”

Julaine Appling testified on this bill — Senate Bill 16 — late last week (pictured left). That being said, it’s important to note that we are in support of this bill making it to the Senate floor; however, we do not support its exemption for a mother to end the life of her baby who is born-alive after an abortion or attempted abortion. This is different from giving a woman immunity because she has an abortion. This bill that seeks to prohibit infanticide regrettably allows for infanticide.

Testifying on bills at the capitol, this newsletter and our educational events are made possible by the financial investments of those who believe in defending God’s plan for marriage, family, life and religious freedom in Wisconsin. You can partner with us HERE and continue to make this work possible.

What a Pay-raise, Equity Training and CRT Have in Common

Maclver Institute reported earlier this week that “[f]or most teachers in the Lodi School District last year, the path to their annual raise took them through a professional development program focused on ‘equity.’”

On first glance this may not seem concerning however, this article pointed out that the district’s use of the word equity was anything but harmless. “’Equity’ is a common euphemism for Critical Race Theory (CRT). Any doubt of that association was dispelled as soon as the district picked the required reading material. … ‘So You Want to Talk About Race.’ … written in 2018 by Ijeoma Oluo.”

According to Maclver Institute, “The book used in the program urges people to vote for school board candidates who make racial justice a top priority. [Oluo] recommends her readers give money to the ACLU, SPLC, Planned Parenthood, and similar groups to advance the cause.”

Why are we pointing this out? Because it’s important for parents to know how their children’s teachers are being trained and equipped to educate. Furthermore, it’s important to note that this “Equity” training was incentivized by linking it to the professional development required for teachers’ pay raise.

We can and must do better for our children. We’ve said it again and again, and we will keep saying it again and again: Elections have consequences. But these consequences don’t solely exist at the state and federal level; they exist in your back yard — with your local officials and district school board.

If you’re ready to take a stand and do better for your children then join us at one of our four Going Local training sessions where we will equip and empower you to communicate effectively and activate like-minded individuals around you to defend God’s plan for marriage, family, life and religious freedom in YOUR community!

REPLAY: Ken Ham’s Challenge for Families in Tuesday’s Webinar

On Tuesday, Wisconsin Family Council hosted a “Lunch with a Purpose” webinar with Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, The Ark Encounter and The Creation Museum. Dr. Ham discussed his new book, Divided Nation: Cultures in Conflict and a Conflicted ChurchHe challenged families and churches to begin intentionally teaching young people the foundational truths in the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which give the basis for a biblical worldview on the major issues of today, including the sanctity of life, marriage, and gender.

Julaine Appling further commented, “Dr. Ham clearly emphasized the family, God’s foundational institution for all of humankind. Families led by married men and women have incredible opportunities to build into the next generation biblical principles that will enable them to navigate successfully whatever the culture throws at them.”

To watch a replay of the webinar click HERE.


WEEKLY RADIO COMMENTARY. “WISCONSIN FAMILY CONNECTION” – Airing this week on over 20 stations statewide. Click HERE to listen to this week’s Wisconsin Family Connection, Are We Doomed? Read the complete radio commentary HERESubscribe to our podcasts HERE! 


Week of September 6, 2021 – Good News Is on the Road!
Week of August 30, 2021 – DIGITAL DEVICES: Controlling or Controlled?

A daily program for Christian radio stations! Click HERE for our daily program; listen or download! Click HERE to subscribe to your Wisconsin Family Minute podcasts! Find your local station HEREIf the Christian radio station you listen to isn’t carrying “Wisconsin Family Minute,” please encourage them to do so. Contact us at 866-849-2536 or 

WFC President Julaine Appling hosts VCY America’s “Home Front” program every Wednesday afternoon (Sept.-May) at 3:15 p.m. CLICK HERE to listen to the archived episodes. Tune in as Julaine and WFC Exec VP Micah Pearce discuss upcoming events, the Texas heartbeat bill and its implications for WI, the Biden vaccine mandates and more! Listen in HERE.

Click HERE to subscribe to future Home Front podcasts!  

Julaine Appling, WFC president, is a regular guest (one Monday per month) on VCY America’s TV 30 “InFocus” live, call-in program with Jim Schneider which airs on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Sept. through May). Click HERE to watch archived episodes. Livestream “InFocus” HERE.  Julaine joined Jim this past Monday, September 13, 2021. Watch the show HEREJim and Julaine covered a number of issues from elections to legislative proposals. Julaine will next be on “InFocus” on Monday, October 11.

Julaine Appling is an occasional guest on Q90’s “Stand Up for the Truth” program hosted by David Fiorazo (9-10 a.m., M-F). Julaine most recently joined David on Thursday, June 17, 2021. CLICK HERE to listen!  Julaine will be a guest on the show on Tuesday, September 21.

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