THIS THURSDAY: Nat’l Day of Prayer at Wisconsin State Capitol

THIS THURSDAY: Nat’l Day of Prayer at Wisconsin State Capitol

IMPORTANT LOCATION CHANGE: In case of inclement weather, we will be meeting in the state capitol in Room 413 North (GAR).

NDOP 2016 (3)

THIS THURSDAY, May 5, 2016, is the 65th annual National Day of Prayer (NDP). We believe this day can have profound significance for our country.  It is an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as Christians come humbly before His throne.

The theme the National Day of Prayer Task Force has claimed for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of our Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name. The Scripture for this event is from Isaiah 58:1a “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet.”

Wisconsin Family Council will be attending the NDP event Thursday at the Wisconsin State Capitol. We encourage you to join us at noon for a time of corporate prayer with other Christians as we pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will be gathering at the South Hamilton Street entrance to the state capitol. In case of inclement weather, we will be meeting in the capitol in ROOM 413 NORTH (GAR).

The Capitol Event will include some music, much prayer and some short testimonials. Prayers will cover the areas of government, church, military, family, education, media and business. Wisconsin Family Council president Julaine Appling will be praying for our government and our elected officials.
Our country and our leaders need our prayers—and the Scripture enjoins us to pray for them. Our military personnel, fighting to protect our freedoms, need our prayers. So, on the National Day of Prayer, this Thursday, May 5, Wisconsin Family Council encourages you to do something to give special recognition to this day—whether it’s increased time in personal prayer, a special family time of prayer, having some friends join you at your home for prayer, organizing a lunch-hour prayer meeting at work, opening your church for prayer, or attending an organized event.
If you have any questions, please call our office at 888-378-7395 (toll free) or 608-256-3370 (Madison).

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