From Alliance Defending Freedom:
We are living in a culture today where many have rejected biological realities and are demanding that society adapt to their perceived gender identity, regardless of their biological sex. As a result, an invasion of agenda-driven policies that open up restrooms, locker rooms, and shower facilities to members of the opposite sex are popping up across the country with no thought on how these policies affect the rest of the population.
- Talking To Your Kids About Transgender Issues (Focus on the Family) – Transgenderism – also called “gender dysphoria,” “gender confusion” or “gender identity disorder” – is tough enough for adults to understand. So when our children encounter these gender-confusing messages, what do we say? Most importantly, how do we help them develop a biblical, Christian perspective on this issue?
- Transgender Movement, Understanding and Responding to the (Family Research Council) – No one—lawmakers, counselors, pastors, teachers, or medical professionals—should participate in or reinforce the transgender movement’s distortions about sexuality, nor should they be required by the government to support such distortions. Misguided attempts to change human design will cost those seeking transgender recognition for themselves and society at large dearly, not simply in the public dollars required to remove or mimic healthy reproductive body parts but in the emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural burdens it places on dissenters from the politically correct orthodoxy, who are now pressured or shamed into lying about human dignity and identity. We believe that governments should not recognize any change in sexual identity from that identified at birth (with the exception of the rare cases in which a biological disorder of sexual development can be diagnosed), and the law should not force any private entities to grant such recognition.
- When Harry Became Sally. Book by Ryan T. Anderson. 2018. (Release date 2/20/18)
- God and the Transgender Debate. Book by Andrew T. Walker. 2017.
- Transgender: Christian compassion, convictions and wisdom for today’s big questions. Booklet by Vaughan Roberts. 2016.
- Messy Grace. Book by Caleb Kaltenbach. 2015. (More specifically about sexual orientation issues, but has excellent suggestions for dealing with anyone struggling with sexual brokenness.)
- The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Jorney into Christian Faith (Expanded Edition). Book by Rosaria Butterfield. 2014. While this deals with the coming to faith of an open lesbian tenured professor, the principles of loving and helping those struggling with sexual brokenness are definitely transferrable.
“Unintended victims of bathroom bills and open locker room policies” (VIDEO) – CLICK HERE
Lawsuit filed on behalf of 63 minor female students in District 211 High School, Cook County, Illinois in Northern District of Illinois Federal District Court, 5/4/16 – CLICK HERE
How 63 Students Are Fighting For Their Right To Privacy, 5/4/15 article – CLICK HERE
Department of Justice letter to NC Governor Pat McCrory, 5/4/2016 – CLICK HERE
North Carolina’s (Governor McCrory) lawsuit against Department of Justice – CLICK HERE
The DOJ Is Concerned With Your Bathroom Rights….If You Identify As The Opposite Sex, 5/9/2016 article – CLICK HERE
Alliance Defending Freedom lawsuit against US Departments of Justice and Education on behalf of North Carolina students and their parents – CLICK HERE
Brief in Alliance Defending Freedom North Carolina lawsuit – CLICK HERE