Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled last week in favor of a church in Madison

Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled last week in favor of a church in Madison

Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals ruled last week in favor of a church in Madison. As a result of that ruling, Capitoland Christian Center Church remains free to expect its employees to share and live out its religious beliefs. In its decision, the court affirmed a lower court’s ruling that the church did not engage in marital-status discrimination when it informed one of its employees that the church’s religious beliefs prohibited her from living with her boyfriend, a condition of employment which the individual had previously agreed to uphold.

Our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom and Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty represented the church. Their expertise in defending religious freedom is not just encouraging, but critically important today. Because of their work this church can continue to operate according to its religious beliefs. This decision will be helpful in other similar religious freedom cases.

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