Create a Culture of Life

Create a Culture of Life

Celebrate Sanctity of Life Month this January.

The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, but protecting human life remains a top priority for pro-life organizations and individuals in Wisconsin, especially since Planned Parenthood has resumed abortions here. Commemorating Sanctity of Human Life Month in January is a good way to highlight the issue. Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is January twenty-first. Wisconsin Family Council urges churches to teach and preach on life and perhaps recognize all the babies born last year in a given church.

The effort to create a culture of life in our state must be robust and ongoing. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to strengthen, preserve, and promote human life from conception through natural death. When churches teach and preach on the issue, so many people gain a clear understanding and then use their personal influence to help others advance the pro-life cause.

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