This week Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., is distributing $37,000 to 15 pregnancy care centers across the state. Checks range from $1,200 to over $2,600, depending on what the centers asked for. The money comes exclusively from the sale of Choose Life Wisconsin license plates. Currently over 2,300 are on the road. The additional $25 motorists pay for the plate goes to Choose Life Wisconsin Inc, and in turn is distributed as grants to these life-saving centers.
Since 2018, Choose Life Wisconsin has awarded over $275,000 to over 30 pregnancy care centers. Wisconsin Family Council and our partner in this project, Pro-Life Wisconsin, assume all overhead costs for Choose Life, which means every penny from the plate sales goes to the pregnancy care centers.
Our mission is to advance Judeo-Christian principles and values in Wisconsin by strengthening, preserving, and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty.
© 2021 Wisconsin Family Council