Alert & Active Citizens in Hayward WI

Alert & Active Citizens in Hayward WI

Citizens take action in their city government.

Last spring the Town of Hayward used an obscure state law to hold its annual meeting without public notice. At the meeting, three resolutions were passed, including a fifteen million dollar building project and reorganization of the town board. When citizens learned what happened, they circulated multiple petitions calling for a special town meeting to reconsider the resolutions. To date the town clerk has refused to call the meeting. Citizens contacted Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, which has now sent the town a demand letter

It's been said that all that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Alert citizens willing to get involved can make a tremendous difference, especially at the local level. Holding elected officials accountable is essential and is part of being a good steward of this republic we are blessed to live in.

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