2014 | Week of October 27 – #1069
I’ve heard it all during this election cycle. “Why should I vote? Judges just do what they want.” “I don’t have anyone to vote for. They’re all liars and have drunk the kool aid.” “My vote doesn’t matter; liberals are just going to steal the elections anyway.”
Do any of these statements reflect you right now? Do you really believe that any of these excuses ultimately stands up? Do you really think that there is ever a legitimate excuse for Christian citizens to not vote in this representative republic? I say the answer is no.
I believe much of this comes down to an understanding of the origin of government. Conservative biblical scholars tell us that God designed 3 social institutions for His glory and our good. The first, in chronological order, is marriage and family, as described in the early chapters of Genesis.
Then in Genesis chapter 9, verse 6, God establishes civil human government. He tells Noah that if a person kills another human being, humans are to exercise what today we call the “death penalty” and shed the blood of the murderer. God says to man, “I’m giving you the ability to govern yourselves within the confines of My principles, precepts and commandments.” To complete the list, the third institution is the church in the book Acts.
Daniel and other Biblical teachings tells us that God puts up kings and takes them down, that He determines the kind of governments the nations have. In His sovereignty and providence, He determined that the United States of America would have a unique form of government—a representative republic, which by its nature is a participatory government. To work right this form of government requires that the people participate. That becomes a matter of stewardship—rendering to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. That “rendering” includes voting. It’s not just an opportunity; it’s a duty, a responsibility as a steward of what God has given us as American Christian citizens. For me, this removes any excuse I might try to give for why I can’t or won’t vote in an election. I ask you to think carefully about this matter between now and next Tuesday, November 4, if you’re considering sitting this one out.
While politics isn’t the answer to all our problem, it’s my responsibility to be engaged with my government and to help bring about good for my community.
When I don’t vote—and vote my biblical values related to marriage, family, life, liberty, the economy, parental rights and more—then I am part of the problem and not part of the solution. When I vote for people who will enact laws that reflect God’s principles and precepts, I’m actually thinking of and helping bring about good for my neighbors.
Even if nonbelievers don’t acknowledge it, God’s way really is the best way—for everyone, saved and unsaved. When we as a state promote marriage as God designed it, protect human life, safeguard liberty, make wise financial decisions, respect parents’, encourage right living, everyone benefits. Truly good government starts with good people voting for the best people they can, candidates who are at least likely to vote in a way that reflects God’s principles and precepts—or who can be convinced to do so.
I urge you if you haven’t already voted to make getting informed about the candidates and the issues and then voting a top priority. Everyone will be voting on governor and lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state treasurer, a member of Congress and an assembly representative and various county officials. Half of the state senate seats are up for election, as well, the odd numbered districts and some people will see local referenda on their ballot.
In addition, all ballots will include a referendum about the transportation fund. A yes vote on that referendum amends the state constitution so that gas taxes and department of transportation fees can be used only for transportation-related expenses and cannot be used to balance the state’s general budget or for any other non-transportation expense. A no vote would mean retaining the status quo of the transportation fund being available to governors and legislators to use on non-transportation expenses. Visit myvote.wi.gov to see what will be on your ballot.
Here’s the bottom line: on November 4, you and I have an opportunity to be stewards of the government God has given us. The question is will we take advantage of the opportunity? Will be part of the problem or part of the solution?
This is Julaine Appling for Wisconsin Family Council reminding you the prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”