You can maximize Kingdom impact, save taxes and experience the joy of generosity.
OUTRIGHT: In addition to cash, you can make an outright gift of real estate, business gift, a paid-up life insurance policy or other property of value directly to Wisconsin Family Council.
STOCK: If you currently write checks to support Wisconsin Family Council, but also have appreciated stocks or mutual funds, you can significantly reduce the cost of your charitable gifts while giving more by gifting stock before the sale.
CHARITABLE IRA ROLLOVER: If you are over 70-1/2, you can make a tax-free distribution from your IRA directly to Wisconsin Family Council.
DONOR-ADVISED FUND: Instead of writing checks directly to Wisconsin Family Council, you can manage ALL of your charitable giving with a Donor-Advised Fund – which works like a charitable checking account. You give assets into the Fund (cash, stocks, real estate, etc.), receive an immediate income tax deduction, and then recommend grants to your church and Wisconsin Family Council when timely. This is a great tool for windfalls, inheritances and year-end business profits.
Receive an immediate tax deduction.
Save on income, capital gain, gift, and/or estate taxes.
Experience the joy of the investment being put to good use during your lifetime.