Our Core Principles
- God desires ALL people to trust in Him for salvation. I Timothy 2:4; II Peter 3:9.
- God is not a Democrat, Independent, or Republican; God is not a conservative, liberal or moderate. He is God, and His ways are not our ways. I Corinthians 1:25; Isaiah 55:8-9.
- The United States of America is not a covenant nation, like biblical Israel. However, it is a nation that has experienced God’s blessings because of God’s grace and because to some extent it has honored God’s principles and precepts. Psalm 33:12; Proverbs 14:34.
- Living a biblically moral life is not the same thing as spiritual transformation. Romans 2-3; Romans 10:3.
- The Gospel, and the Gospel alone, has the power to transform individuals. Transformed individuals in turn transform the culture and the nation.
- Pastors and churches are ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven. II Corinthians 5:20.
- God created the family, government, and the Church. Each has a unique role that must remain distinct, but they should work together under God. Romans 13; I Peter 2:13-17.
- Rulers are uniquely called by God to administer justice with the aid of the timeless counsel of the truth of God’s Word. Romans 13. Cf. II Samuel 8:15; II Kings 12:2; I Timothy 3:15.
- Paul ministered to the Jew and Gentile, to the philosophers, to a king, and to those of Caesar’s household. Our commitment is to minister to legislators irrespective of party affiliation in ways that never compromise the truth of the Gospel and the truth of God’s Word. Cf. Joshua 5:13-14.
- We will serve as ambassador missionaries who work to build intentional redemptive relationships with the ministers of the Lord’s institution of government with the goal of serving all, building up those who are believers, and sharing the gospel with those who are not believers.
Download a copy of our core principles HERE.