Choose Life Plates Coming to Wisconsin!

Choose Life Plates Coming to Wisconsin!

2016 | Week of December 12 | #1181

Last week Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., announced it is now an Authorized Group with the Department of Motor Vehicles for the purpose of requesting a specialty license plate.

The choose life plate has been almost ten years in the making. We are excited that within the next eight to twelve months, Wisconsin pro-life citizens will be able to purchase a beautiful license plate that expresses their views on life while also directly helping our state’s life-saving, woman-helping Pregnancy Resource Centers.

The Choose Life Wisconsin license plate originated with Pro-Life Wisconsin and Wisconsin Family Council partnering on the idea and working together throughout the long administrative and legislative process.  Pro-Life Wisconsin and Wisconsin Family Council worked to create Choose Life Wisconsin, Inc., which is an independently registered Wisconsin not-for-profit corporation. The IRS has formally recognized Choose Life Wisconsin as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, tax-deductible organization.

Choose Life Wisconsin’s mission is to spread a positive, pro-life message and help Wisconsin’s vital Pregnancy Resource Centers flourish by funding them from the proceeds of the sale of the Choose Life plate.

Choose Life plates are now available in over 30 states. Since the first plate was approved in Florida 16 years ago, over $24 million has been raised nationwide to assist with adoption and other life-affirming educational work. In the Midwest, Indiana has raised over $650,000, and Ohio has raised over $500,000 from the sale of Choose Life plates. Both states have over 25,000 cars sporting their respective Choose Life plate.

We have experienced increasing demand for a “Choose Life” license plate in Wisconsin over the last five years and are confident the plate will sell quickly, opening up a funding stream for Wisconsin’s Pregnancy Resource Centers, which offer health services, adoption referrals, and in general help women in crisis pregnancies make life-saving choices.

To get to this point with the plate approved, we’ve been through extremely contentious legislative hearings and floor votes, changes in the procedure for getting such a plate, legal questions and more over the past six years. We are thrilled to finally reach this point, knowing in the next year or so, Choose Life Wisconsin will begin distributing much-needed funds to Wisconsin’s Pregnancy Resource Centers—our front-line, pro-life partners.

The proposed Choose Life Wisconsin license plate features classic Wisconsin colors—red, white and black. The graphic on the left side of the proposed design is an ink-print of a baby’s foot, like those on birth certificates. Under the plate number are the words “Choose Life” in red.

Currently, the Specialty License Plate unit of the Department of Motor Vehicles is working with Choose Life Wisconsin to finalize design details. State law requires that the plate be available for purchase within twelve months of the sponsoring group being approved, which means by next November at the very latest, the Choose Life Wisconsin plate will be available for purchase.

We’ve been asked by many how much the plate will cost. The first time someone purchases the plate, the cost will be the regular registration fee, which is currently $75, plus a one-time $15 issuance fee, and a $25 tax-deductible donation which the state will send to Choose Life Wisconsin. After the first year, the cost is the regular registration fee and the $25 tax-deductible donation, unless the applicant wants a personalized plate, which adds the $15 back to the cost.

So what happens after the state sends Choose Life Wisconsin the $25 from the sale of each plate? Per Choose Life Wisconsin’s bylaws, Choose Life Wisconsin leadership will then distribute the funds to Wisconsin’s Pregnancy Resource Centers, which will likely be done on a kind of grant basis. The Pregnancy Resource Centers will be asked to complete a grant request form so that those making the decisions have an accurate understanding of the pregnancy resource centers and their specific needs.

Quite honestly, this is a dream that at points, we weren’t sure would ever come true. But thankfully it has. To God be the glory! We are looking forward to the day we can say to you, the Choose Life Wisconsin plates are now on sale!

For Wisconsin Family Council this is Julaine Appling reminding you the Prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

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