On Tuesday, April 28, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on cases related to the definition of marriage. Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council are asking citizens statewide to pray between now and that day. There’s no way for citizens to directly influence a court, but as Christians we do have direct access to the Supreme Judge of the Universe. Some have said this is a “Bonhoeffer” moment as the high court prepares to act on society’s most important institution; prayer is certainly in order.
What You Can Do:
- Pray! Urge your church and your Bible study to include this matter on prayer lists. Hold regular family prayer meetings. Let your kids know how important this day in court is. Gather with friends and spend time praying about this critical day.
- Download a pray4marriage bulletin HERE. Use this as a guide for prayer. Share it with your church leaders and encourage them to print it for distribution.
- Visit (and share the link!) the pray4marriage website to stay up to date on this nationwide effort.
- Sign the marriage prayer petititon and invite others to join you.